Privacy Notice for online ordering

These Terms and Conditions apply when ordering online from:





Identity and address of the Responsible

<BUSSINESS NAME >, with address at <BUSSINESS ADDRESS>, with telephone number <BUSINESS TELEPHONE> , informs you of its Privacy Notice, which will treat and will protect your personal data, all in compliance with the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data and other applicable regulations (hereinafter and jointly the "Law").

This Privacy Policy applies to your personal data when you visit the <BUSINESS WEBSITE> website or through our mobile application (APP) but does not apply to websites or online services that do not are owned or controlled by us.

Personal data we collect

The personal data that we will collect will be those that you have included in your profile of each social network with which you enter and is enabled in the application, and will be treated and protected based on the principles established in the Law and its Regulations. We promise that all the data obtained will be treated under the strictest security measures that guarantee its confidentiality. We do not collect sensitive data on our website and mobile applications.

Transfers of Personal Data

Your personal data will not be transferred to third parties, except as provided in the following paragraph. <BUSSINESS NAME > does not collect sensitive personal data on our website and mobile applications.

Transfers to third parties

Your personal data may be lawfully transferred to third parties without the need for your consent only in the following cases:

  1. In the case of national or international companies of the same group, such as subsidiaries, affiliates, affiliates, controlled or controllers under the common control of the person in charge or a parent company or any company of the same group of the person in charge that operates under the same processes and Internal Politics.

  2. When the transfer is necessary by virtue of a contract concluded or to be concluded in the interest of the holder, by the person in charge and a third party.

  3. When the transfer is necessary or legally required by any authority to safeguard a public interest, or for the procurement or administration of justice.

  4. When the transfer is necessary for the recognition, exercise or defense of a right in a judicial process and

  5. When the transfer is necessary for the maintenance or fulfillment of a legal relationship between the person in charge and the owner. Except in the aforementioned cases your personal information will not be transferred to third parties.


Your personal information will be used exclusively for:

To identify you, create a user account and contact you in order to offer you our services through our APP and website.

To provide you with information about the products and services we offer in order for you to place your orders.

Follow up on your comments, suggestions, complaints and claims that you submit in relation to our products and services.

Maintain statistical and administrative controls and, where appropriate, for advertising and commercial research purposes.

Register it in our loyalty program.

Send our advertising and marketing.

Keep a historical record of the information, for the purpose of user satisfaction to provide a better service.

Carry out trivia, contests and raffles through social networks (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, among others).

Changes to the Privacy Notice

At any time, <BUSSINESS NAME > may make changes or updates to this Privacy Notice to address new legislation, internal policies or new requirements for the management of customer complaints and claims.

We will keep you informed about the changes that this Privacy Notice may undergo, through email, by telephone, our Facebook social network, or other suitable means of communication.


By using this website or App, I acknowledge that I have read this notice and give my consent for the treatment of my data in terms of it.

Update date: March 24, 2022